Altrincham and Sale West - Your MP
On this page you can find out more information about: how your MP has voted, including some key stats about their voting record; express your opinion on how your MP is performing , and see how the constituency is voting; as well as explore their voting record in more detail, and express your opinion on how they voted.
Voting on your MP is restricted to only constituents, but you can visit your MP's page to express your opinion and raise your voice
Mr Connor Rand is the Labour MP for Altrincham and Sale West, and has been an MP continually since 4 July 2024.
Official Portrait - © House of Commons et. al. You can find more information by visiting this link
MP Stats
Voting Attendance
Since July 2024. Tied with 16 other MPs
Rebellion Percentage
Since July 2024. Tied with 391 other MPs
Constituent's Opinion
Every week we ask each constituency member on Suffrago how they think their MP is performing as their representative in Parliament. We ask the following five (5) questions to understand the opinion of the people, and below you can see the opinions submitted over between the last 14 and 20 days depending on when you are viewing this page; you can explore this further on the constituency dashboard.
If you are a member of this constituency you can open the scorecard to express your opinion on the performance of your MP.
Sign in to express your view on your MP's performance
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I believe that they care about Altrincham and Sale West.
2024-12-30 - 2025-01-18
They are doing a good job as the MP for Altrincham and Sale West.
2024-12-30 - 2025-01-18
They need to focus more on Altrincham and Sale West.
2024-12-30 - 2025-01-18
Voting History
When you sign into Suffrago you are able to filter the voting record of MPs.
When you sign into/register for Suffrago you can explore in detail the voting record of any MP, and filter them to find the votes that matter to you! Without being logged in you can only see their six (6) most recent votes.
Children’s Wellbeing...
Voted against - Rejected8 Jan 2025
MPs voted on concerns regarding the potential impacts of the Children's Wellbeing and Schools Bill on educational standards and teacher recruitment.
National Insurance C...
Voted in favour - Passed17 Dec 2024
There is no detailed information available about the particulars of this legislation.
National Insurance C...
Voted against - Rejected17 Dec 2024
There is no detailed information available about the particulars of this legislation.
National Insurance C...
Voted against - Rejected17 Dec 2024
Your MP voted in a recent vote in the house of commons about addressing financial stability in healthcare and voluntary sectors in Northern Ireland.
National Insurance C...
Voted against - Rejected17 Dec 2024
There is no detailed information available about the particulars of this legislation.
National Insurance C...
Voted against - Rejected17 Dec 2024
There is no detailed information available about the particulars of this legislation.